Our technologies
АВР-051 has a proven efficacy
for patients with cardiovascular
«High efficacy of electrostimulation in the treatment of arterial hypertension and hypotension have been revealed in the conducted scientific examination and practical assesments.
In the analysis of blood pressure indicators obtained in patients with hypertensive disease by the standard method of N.S. Korotkov, there were significant reductions in in the blood pressure rates».

- arterial hypertension I-II-III degrees
- coronary heart disease, angina
«In response to the course application of the ABP-051 electrostimulator patients with hypertensive disease experience a decrease in blood pressure and/or an improvement in its circadian profile in more than half of the cases.
The electrostimulator ABP-051 does not cause significant fluctuations in blood pressure during its initial use and generally well tolerated during course use».
Almazov National Medical Reserch Center, S-P

- hypotension
- neurocirculatory dystonia
- chronic heart failure
- diseases and traumatic injuries of vessels
«As a result of the clinical study of the transcutaneous electrostimulator for arterial blood pressure correction ABP-051 in the group of patients who had «mild» arterial hypertension, persistent reduction and normalization of blood pressure have been obtained in 84,3% of patients».
Sverdlovsk Regional Clinical Hospital №1, Ekaterinburg
1 to 3 times a day.
6 minutes

The "side effect" of high mental and physical stress is maladaptation syndrome. Maladaptation is a set of symptoms including a feeling of constant fatigue, apathy, sleep disturbance. Risk of tachycardia, pressure surges and reduced immunity.
The course of treatment with ABP-051 corrects the body functional system, restores the cardiovascular system and its adaptation mechanisms.
You will feel full of energy being able to cope with pressure.

Stress provokes the development of the condition called dystonia.
Symptoms of dystonia include insomnia, blood pressure problems, anxiety disorders, and even panic attacks
ABP-051 increases the body resistance to stress and normalizes the work of the nervous system.
ABP-051 corrects vascular tone of the body and helps the body relearn how to be in control of its physical state.

Due to an unstable level of hormones, women experience headaches, fever heats, palpitations, and other symptoms during premenopausal period.
ABP-051 helps the body to adjust the mechanisms of self-regulation.
The use of ABP-051 can improve overall well-being during the hormonal adjustment period

Pregnancy and childbirth create a serious test for a woman's body. The main burden is received by such organs as heart, blood vessels and the overall hormonal system. A woman gives birth to a child using one’s own resources, and it is then time to compensate for it.
The use of ABP-051 accelerates the recovery process for a woman to enjoy motherhood to the fullest.
«Our goal is to develop drug-free technology which will regulate natural human body mechanisms allowing to correct arterial blood pressure, cure stress related conditions and improve overall body tone.